波斯短歌行譯箋 其四十 當(dāng)代 · 鐘錦
七言絕句 押陽韻
注:○郁金香:李白《客中作》:“蘭陵美酒郁金香?!薄鸨桓玻?span id="hjyp2ou" class='bold'>覆杯,倒置酒杯,以示戒酒?!?span id="ux7vldt" class='bold'>世說新語·軌箴篇》注引鄧粲《晉紀(jì)》曰:“上身服儉約,以先時務(wù)。性素好酒,將渡江,王導(dǎo)深以諫,帝乃令左右進(jìn)觴,飲而覆之,自是遂不復(fù)飲。克己復(fù)禮,官修其方,而中興之業(yè)隆焉。”○百年句:李白《襄陽歌》:“百年三萬六千日,一日須傾三百杯?!?br />As then the Tulip for her morning sup
Of Heav'nly Vintage from the soil looks up,
Do you devoutly do the like, till Heav'n
To Earth invert you—like an empty Cup.
Of Heav'nly Vintage from the soil looks up,
Do you devoutly do the like, till Heav'n
To Earth invert you—like an empty Cup.